GEFCO Speedstar 50K-CH
The ultimate Multipurpose Air Rotary Casing Hammer (ARCH) Drill Rig
The GEFCO 50K can handle large casing loads associated with shallow municipal water wells and deep residential water wells with ease.
50K lbs. rated working capacity
Topdrive Air/Mud Rotary with Casting Hammer Multipurpose Drill Rig.
Drilling methods also include direct air, wireline coring, and Symmetrix.
High Volume/pressure 1050psi@350cfm twin screw air compressor mounted on drill rig.
High Volume 5x6 centrifugal pump mounted on drill rig.
Auxiliary 4x3 centrifugal pump for pumping annular well material.
Additional centrifugal pump can also be used to supercharge mud rotary operations.
Trailer mounted compact Mud Technologies 1,400 Gallon Mud Cleaning System with linear shakers.
Mud cleaning system has centrifugal pumps mounted on unit designed for mixing and desanding.
Mud system also has a 3 phase generator with an IEC rated electrical system.
Hydraulic–powered Atlas R6000 casting hammer for driving casting through unconsolidated formations.
Compact yet powerful hydraulic casting jacks designed for pulling drive casting after borehole completion.
Northwest Flattanks 2,500 gallon water/support truck designed for hauling drill pipe,drive casting.
Night lights mounted on drill rig, mud system and support equipment.
Hydraulic Cyclone System for routing and containerizing drill spoils into drums of roll off bins.