Who We Are
Environmental & Geotechnical Drilling Services Since1982
It all started two generations back in the early 1950’s when my grandfather decided to start a drilling company to help supply people in his community with drinking water. At a time when water wells were scarce in rural areas. With no infrastructure for water, the community had to rely on bringing in water from a single water well. He grew his drilling company to include work internationally focusing primarily on the Middle East and eventually sold his business and moved to the US.
Half a century later my grandfather’s venture, my father started a drilling company that specialized in Environmental & Geotechnical investigations and Well Installations in Southern California. Having a background in Hydrogeology and Geotechnical Engineering he worked as an Environmental & Geotechnical Engineer for several Consultants in the US and Canada. During his employment as a consultant he found it challenging to find qualified drilling companies to hire to perform high quality site investigations and well installations so he decided to start his own drilling company.
Pictured: Ivan Liovin & Vassili Liovin with driller and driller assistant taken in 1953.
Fast forward to the end of the 20th century shortly after graduating college I helped my father run his business and was hands on, starting in the field then gradually making my way to project management and eventually taking over the reins of running the company. With a background in Earth Science and Experimental Psychology I used my knowledge and first-hand experience to sell off all of the drilling equipment my father had acquired over the years and start from scratch by purchasing my first new rig from CME in 2003. My father retired from the company that same year and I have been running it ever since. I understood the need to differentiate and sperate from the competition and decided on concentrating on hiring the most qualified and highly skilled people in the industry and acquiring the best equipment available.
ABC represents three generations of drilling entrepreneurs and now has a wide range of modern, CARB compliant and innovative drilling equipment with a focus on the Environmental, Geotechnical and Water Resource drilling industries. With a top tier management team and the highest rated field crews we strive to exceed our clients expectations on every job we perform large or small.
Our Services
Expertise in soil and groundwater assessment including well installation, development, and abandonment for contaminated Brownsfields Sites.
ABC offers a variety of drill rigs and drill methods to determine the stability of soil and its effects on structures both pre and post construction. This includes the installation of Geotechnical Instrumentation and wells to monitor movement of soil and groundwater.
Water Resources
Services include Zone Aquifer Testing, Water Well Installation & Abandonment. Well Development services include Pump Installation and capacity/draw down/water quality testing.